As a small child growing up in rural North Carolina there were few events that rivaled the majesty and spectacle of Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus. Those who were fortunate to go were treated to multiple events happening simultaneously featuring everything from wild animals to clowns walking on stilts. Even the local fair that would visit annually could not match the jaw dropping amazement from "the greatest show on earth".
It is exactly that type of awe and amazement I experience when I attend the North Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association (NCRLA) Annual Chef Showdown!
Last year was my first time attending this gala annual event that brings together chefs, mixologists and sponsors in a forum that can't be matched. I was so overwhelmed after attending last years version that I appropriately dubbed it "the Oscars. Emmys and Tony's plus Food Network of Champions" all rolled up into one.
I have also referred to this event as "The Super Bowl".
I think it is pretty obvious that I am totally enamored with this event and those who know me well understand why. I am a sommelier with a culinary background, at these events I am in my element. But I can assure you as a writer, I am running out of superlatives. From the Super Bowl to The Grammys I think you get the idea that the NC Chef Showdown is a red carpet event that should always be on your calendar of upcoming events.
I would like to take a few minutes of your time to present to you seven reasons that I feel will convince you and your friends that you must attend next year.
Reason No. 1 - The Food
At the Chef Showdown you not only get to eat but you get to savor and appreciate the culinary expertise that is on full display. These chefs are much more than cooks, they are artisans who study their craft and are extremely cognizant about the product they craft.
In addition, the chefs at this annual event have survived a rigorous competition staged over multiple months to even reach the coveted Chef Showdown. Their plating skills (how they arrange food on the plate for service) are mind boggling and aesthetic. I am always reminded of my good friend Executive Chef Daniel Schurr at Second Empire Restaurant and Tavern https://www.second-empire.com/ whose motto was always "taste with your eyes". These chefs are the crème de la crème period.
Reason No. 2 - The Cocktails
From drinking a cocktail inside a hollowed out pepper to to tasting some of the most incredible spirits brewed by local distilleries the Chef Showdown is also a competitive arena for local bartenders to display their skills. It seems a shame to refer to them as bartenders because what some of these individuals can do is literally astonishing. They are all worthy of the title mixologist.
This event is also a great way to locate those special venues that are literally "needles in haystacks" given the density and expanse of the various communities that surround the Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill areas. There are too many to count or even know where to go making things like Yelp and TripAdvisor useful tools to help you decide where to spend your money and time.
For example, were it not for the Chef Showdown, I would have no idea about the extraordinary talents of one Miguel Angel Latorre, Jr from Revival 1869 https://www.revival1869.com/ in nearby Clayton.
This amazing young man swept both the coveted NCRLA Mixologist of the Year AND NCRLA Best Mocktail of the Year! Thank goodness Hwy 540 will be completed enough soon to allow me to travel easier to Clayton from my home in Holly Springs. By the way, speaking of mocktails, that leads us to reason reason No. 3for why you need to make plans now to attend next year.
Reason No. 3 - The Mocktails -
Believe it or not, there are many individuals in todays society that consciously choose not to consume alcohol. As a sommelier, I respect their decisions and commitment. In social settings, "mocktails" or drinks that don't contain alcohol are continuing to grow in popularity especially among those in younger generations.
These mocktails not only allow teetotalers to be social in public settings where others are consuming alcohol but trust me the other added benefit is that these drinks are by no means short on flavor.
Reason Number 4 - See And Be Seen
It was not so apparent to me last year but this year it was very obvious this year - this is a see and be seen event. At this year's event there were attendees in presence like Ken Smith, a well known and easily recognized local TV anchor as well as chefs that were declared winners at previous events.
The sponsors are also very visible at the NC Chef Showdown and I am convinced that their participation and visibility are not only integral but critical to the success of the event.
With the sheer number of participants it attracts this is an event that attendees can expect red carpet treatment and celebrities as well.
Reason Number 5 - The Wine

For the past two years the NC Chef Showdown has fostered collaborations between featured chefs and local vineyards and wineries resulting in food wine pairings that are delightful and inventive. By the way, these are not just any wineries or vineyards. The past two years they have been the medalists in the local wine judging competitions especially the NC Fine Wines and NC Wine Competition.
My followers know that I created Merlot2muscadine for the purpose of creating media to promote the North Carolina wine industry. To say that I am biased about this billion dollar industry that I hold so near and dear is an understatement. This event always affords me the opportunity to catch up with old friends whose products I tirelessly and unequivocally promote.
As a result, the crème de la crème of North Carolina vineyards and wineries share the stage and palate with the very best culinary expertise the state has to offer. This is a match made in heaven and the results are nothing short of magical.
And that brings me to Reason No. 6.
Reason No. 6 - The Opportunity to Embrace NC Products
Not only does the NC Chef Showdown allow you to sample the very best in wines from the Tarheel State, but I can assure you the fruits of the vine are a far cry from the only North Carolina products being featured. From Pepsi to Cheerwine to dairy the unique products and agricultural contributions of this great state are on full display.
Special congratulations to Mixologist Miguel Angel Latorre, Jr., Revival 1869, Clayton for Best Use of a Pepsi Product in a Cocktail and Mixologist Zig Payton, Kingfisher, Durham for
Best Use of a Pepsi Product in a Mocktail.
As a native North Carolinian and a big fan of buy local and support local, I appreciate the opportunity to use and promote local products; fully understanding that when I do I strengthen the state and community I call home. Kudos to the North Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association for awarding individuals in these categories.
Personally I Iook forward to even more "got to be NC" products.
Reason No. 7 - The Competition
I mentioned Food Network and it's devotees last year when I wrote about this event in an article titled "The SUPER BOWL of Food & Wine Comes To Angus Barn". Individuals who patronize these channels and their content are likely foodies and disciples of any and all things from the kitchen.
But whether they are aspiring chefs, novice cooks or just individuals trying to interject some variety and flavor into every day meals there is yet another segment of watchers who enjoy another regular occurrence on these culinary networks - competition.
From popular shows like "Chopped" and "MasterChef" to the iconic "Iron Chef" there is an allure to two or more individuals going to battle against each with knives but not in a violent way. rather it becomes "whose cuisine reigns supreme". They seek not to overcome each other more so than to appeal to the diverse and opinionated palates of their judges.
Remember, to make it to the finale, the chefs represented must survive a round robin tiered type of competition where you must win to move on.
A special congratulations to all this year's participants and especially those who were fortunate enough to be awarded for your efforts.
NCRLA Chef of the Year:
Matthew Deering, Dot Dot Dot in Charlotte
NCRLA Pastry Chef of the Year:
Savanna Brodar, The Country Club of North Carolina in Pinehurst
NCRLA Mixologist of the Year:
Miguel Angel Latorre, Jr., Revival 1869 in Clayton
NCRLA Distillery of the Year:
Broadslab Distillery in Benson
NCRLA Mocktail of the Year:
Miguel Angel Latorre, Jr., Revival 1869 in Clayton
Best Use of Dairy Products in a Dessert:
Pastry Chef Mary Jayne Wilson, Thoughtful Baking Co., Charlotte
Best Use of Dairy Products in a Savory Dish:
Chef Theresa Norris, M Restaurants and M Pocha, Durham
Best Use of Dairy Products in a Cocktail:
Mixologist Conley Marie, The Willard Rooftop Lounge, Raleigh
Best Use of Dairy Products in a Mocktail:
Mixologist Conley Marie, The Willard Rooftop Lounge, Raleigh
Best Use of a Pepsi Product in a Cocktail:
Mixologist Miguel Angel Latorre, Jr., Revival 1869, Clayton
Best Use of a Pepsi Product in a Mocktail:
Mixologist Zig Payton, Kingfisher, Durham
People’s Choice for Best Mocktail:
Conley Marie from The Willard at the AC Hotel in Raleigh
People’s Choice for Best Cocktail:
Gus Bellavida from End of Days Distillery in Wilmington, partnering with End of Days Distillery
People’s Choice for Best Dessert:
Pastry Chef Jill Heaton from Ivory Road in Arden
People’s Choice Best Savory Dish:
Chef Mauricio Huarcaya from Gusto Peruano in Wilmington
This is an incredible event that I not only look forward to attending next year but I sincerely hope that the seven reasons I have offered you are convincing enough that you will join me. Trust me when I tell you there are very few events that bring together this dynamic combination of the best in food, wine and spirits. I am convinced that this is one event in 2025 that you don't want to miss - see you there!